воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

deh p4650mp

Because then maybe I�could finish my homework before midnight. But thatapos;s not happening. (the focusing, that is. The homework...well, I wasnapos;t going to do it anyway.)

Iapos;m torrenting oodles of stuff (the Madrid derby, lots of comic books, the complete discography of the Backstreet Boys) which always makes me happy since I�love coming home from school on a Monday to lots of illegal media.

I�need prompts. Badly.� I�havenapos;t written anything buy college essays in nine million years and I want to write but have zero idea of where to start. PLEASE�PLEASE�give me prompts which for once in my life I�swear �I will respond to. And if you want, feel free to prompt me for something other than football - Iapos;ve been trying to start writing in a couple of fandoms but find I�lack the courage/inspiration to start. So anyway, prompts, pretty please?�
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dirjen hki

This happens a lot when�I get time off... Basically itapos;s not 5pm, I�gotta go into work tonight (usually leave around 10:30) and Iapos;m not really that tired... But I�dunno if I�could stay up for the next sixteen or however many hours to finish my shift.� Went to bed around 4 am last night, woke up around 1, tried to go back to sleep around 3:30, but Iapos;ve just been kind zoning out.� Still not fully over my cold, symptoms are mainly down to stuffy head, and a stuffy nose and occasional phlegm.

Guess Iapos;ll finish this entry and try to go back to sleep in a bit here.

Yesterday I did eventually do some shopping,�I bought some garlic bread (I HAVE�to have garlic bread when�I cook spaghetti, itapos;s a law somewhere...), some distilled water (need it for my CPAP), and some ice cream (yeah,�I gave into to temptation..)� When�I drove over to the local Kroger,�I noticed they were having some kind of car show in the parking lot.� I thought about stopping by, but I didnapos;t see any bikini models, so�I figured what was the point?�

Got home, put away my groceries, and then went outside for a bit of a walk around the neighborhood.� While out I took a few pictures here and there of some interested leave colors and Halloween decorations.� I donapos;t know, the whole thing felt kind of... Pointless I guess.� I�mean, me, just wondering around by myself for no real reason. � I�just couldnapos;t help but wish I had had somewhere to actually go, things to do.

Getting back home,�I called my niece, and spoke to her briefly before her cell phone cut (twice).� She told me sheapos;s back with her boyfriend again, the fellow she brought along to her last family Christmas get together.� Apparently theyapos;ve been dating on and off for about three years or so now.� So told me how she got her senior pictures taken.� I remember mom telling me the other day Tammy (my sister and Ashleyapos;s mom) had called and one of the things she was talking about how much money the studio wanted for the pictures.� They gave them some "sample"�pictures but they all had the word "proof"�stamped on the center.� Mom was kind of wondering if I�could go with Photoshop and remove it.� Told her Iapos;d have to see them. �

So.. Dunno, that was it really, watched some TV after wards.� Felt a bit better after talking to Ashley for awhile.. Guess human contact is always good.�

Well, this week is gonna be interesting.. Working Sunday through Tuesday this week, get Wednesday off, and then I think Iapos;m back to my regular schedule of working Thurs through Monday.� Three days one, one day off, four days one, three days off.�

Alright, time to try and get some rest.

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airplane type

I would do the proper blog post with all the photos taken today when�Iapos;m free�:D
but must let me play your DEESSSLITE�okay

I getting A�LITTLE�BIT sick of school.I donapos;t hate C++ now, for real.
I dislike foundation of maths. Some irony, it is not foundation; should be profound-ation of maths.
Proofs proofs proofs more proofs
But, have to take pride in everything I do.
24 days to final sem exams.
I should, have to MUST stop procrastinating being complacent.

Motivation, i need, that is, very badly.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I just did Google searches four times to bring up the sites of local chains to check specials as we have nothing to make for dinner tonight and I offered to make whatever Evonne wanted to bring home. Everybody else comes up first from a search on their name. Winn-Dixie comes up ninth, after Wikipedia and stuff about the movie with the name in its title and random news stories about the business.

I mean, come on.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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SO they offered a work study up in the offices assisting the career person, and I got the job :3 Today was my first day- Iapos;m working my first 2 days off to start while I put in my 2 weeks at hallmark. Itapos;s really cool, I get to do computer work and see all the jobs that come in. Itapos;s interesting so far :) Also more money hehe.

The different terms in school had a competition painting voting booths as well, and our class won a pizza party from 1st place, it was really fun. Iapos;m super proud because I designed the robot idea. Itapos;s pretty obvious itapos;s by me if you know me lol.

They added wheels and made stencils to spray paint all the words and pedro thinger on. I heard the booths might be used in the election, thatd rock XD

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

buss transportation

Ugh Late hours no sleep= walking dead
school is begining its suckieness stage for me now comp1 seems to be going ok..though only because there hasnt been any real work outside of the current assignment of making a resume, design theory is going good , math is my only problem class i got up to a b avearage im hoping and tryiugn to get it up to an A so i can try and end the semester with a 4.0 or at least keep my 3.57

in other news things are getting better with Princess, which is good, hopefully it will continue to improve

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equipment phone survey

iapos;m so sorry ;^; I�SEROIUSLY�SHOULD�BE�UPDATING�SHUO�NI�AI�WO >.<; I�KNOW�I�SHOULD. I�REALLY�SHOULD.... But er. Homecoming dance is coming up . And er. Iapos;ve been busy with school and omg.. I ahve soo much excuses XD;; but like iapos;m sure i can get it up the day before my birthday~~ cause its teachers work day. My birthday is on a wendsday and teacher workday is on mondya and tuesday YAY but umm yahh. . . I drew some things . Iapos;ll get those up............... Maybe. I mean they arnapos;t super junior things soo >.<;; i have things to type up... Like other stories that wont get out of my head...., (like a eunmin story decated to my wifey Silver ~~ about how illgeal it should be for hyuk to have his shirt on >.>; IT�KILLS�ME�D< seriously....) tomorow iapos;m going on a field trip to se twelfth night by� umm whilliam shakessphere..... OR�HOW�EVER�YOU�NAME�HIM. YAH.� and umm. I need to write a cute henwook~~�cause of. All the henhae..... And umm.... Hmmmmm the kyumin story thing.... And OMFGG�SOOO�MUCH�TO�DO ;^; . . .� continuing on with my love life~ the guy i like is like in love with some other girl and that girl is going to homecoming wiht some other dude. And um he says hes going to win her back during homecoming and umm apparently i told him good luck and i will help in any way possible . . . ;^; THAT�TOTALLY�KILLS�ME >.<; WHY�MUST�I�BE�SOO�UNSELFISH�AND�NICE�? (silver. You dont comment on that D< )� i cried way more because of him then i have with the first 4 guys that rejected me altogether >.<;;; I�DONT�THINK�THATS�GOOD�CAUSE�iapos;ve only liked him for like 2-3 weeks XP. I hate liking him not because if i tell him. I have� a REALLYYY good chance i might end up killing our friendship... And i seirously dont want that... I want him happyy XP but he seemed sad about the girl going with some other guy *sigh* ;^;

anyways. That would be the end of my ranting o__o;;; i should clearly get a life XD;; and I�KNOW�I�SHOULD�BE�COMMENTING�BUT�HEY ;^; ITS�HARD�WHEN�YOU�HAVE�TO�DO�ALL�THESE�HOMEWORKKKKK�I�LOVE�YOU�ALL�THOUGH. I�REALLY�DO X: .

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alyea salem

Dear horde of Azgalor,

If you happen to be wanting some vendor-gotten Alliance pets, feel free to drop a note.� A kind-hearted paladin might be willing to trade.

Unless you ganked my draenei priest at some point.� >.>�� <.<� >.>

-Ambrosyne, Brotherhood of Oblivion

Similarly, if anyone on Earthen Ring or Sentinels doesnapos;t have any buddys/alts Alliance side, I�might be able to help.� I wasnapos;t able to get on those servers at all yesterday�(the 5 minutes Sents was up for me didnapos;t count), but I can see what I can do there, too.

Azgalor was stable enough for us to raid ZA last night, and despite some wipes from being over-excited, and from belateldy realizing that we didnapos;t have properly working timers, we pretty much rofflestomped it.� Several guild members seemed to be creaming their pants, though my fellow holy pally left me and the holy priest very bored.� "STOP�HEALING�EVERYONE,"�we said.� :o

We�might even resume progression content now.� This would make me a very happy panda.

...now if only I�knew how to spec my druid.� And god, I didnapos;t even look at mage talents yet.� This is a bad time to be an alt-whore.� So many specs to figure out...so many UIs to rebuild...

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