Because then maybe I�could finish my homework before midnight. But thatapos;s not happening. (the focusing, that is. The homework...well, I wasnapos;t going to do it anyway.)
Iapos;m torrenting oodles of stuff (the Madrid derby, lots of comic books, the complete discography of the Backstreet Boys) which always makes me happy since I�love coming home from school on a Monday to lots of illegal media.
I�need prompts. Badly.� I�havenapos;t written anything buy college essays in nine million years and I want to write but have zero idea of where to start. PLEASE�PLEASE�give me prompts which for once in my life I�swear �I will respond to. And if you want, feel free to prompt me for something other than football - Iapos;ve been trying to start writing in a couple of fandoms but find I�lack the courage/inspiration to start. So anyway, prompts, pretty please?�
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