I am insanely tired at the moment, I dont actually think�I have worked so hard in my ENTIRE life as I have these past two days... Its ridiculous.
My life, I dont think can get much worse right now, or so in my head. I know it can be a million times worse than what it is right now but I just cant handle these thoughts where Im at. Its horrific. I wish I was stronger, to handle anything that was thrown at me. I want to be that person that shrugs off minor problems with ease, and not let them infect you like a vicious poison, sweeping through the bloodstream. I wish I had rational thought instead of thinking to the worst possible thing ever. Im not healthy for myself, I need to be better... Sane.
But anywho
Theres this person, who, I dont know why... Is like my little ray of sunshine... Makes every single day worth it. Words from them are like...sunrays... Its good
I sound like... Stupid... Very stupid. But they are amazing
I really dont wanna lose them
I really want more than what I have
But I dont want them to get hurt
Im rambling right now, because Im seriously tired
I cant even make sense in my head let alone on "paper"
I need some guidance
Some strength
A saviour
Some tea perhaps
Can you be in love with more than one person at a time?
Or is it possible that my mind is incredibly fucked up right now
Or that like... Im confused
I need sleep
And tea
And I need to be skinny
Thats depressing as well
Going gym tomorrow xD
Sapos;all good =]
and ill savor every moment of, army equipment, army equal opportunity us, army equal opportunity training, army equal opportunity school, army equal opportunity representative us.

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