четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

equipment phone survey

iapos;m so sorry ;^; I�SEROIUSLY�SHOULD�BE�UPDATING�SHUO�NI�AI�WO >.<; I�KNOW�I�SHOULD. I�REALLY�SHOULD.... But er. Homecoming dance is coming up . And er. Iapos;ve been busy with school and omg.. I ahve soo much excuses XD;; but like iapos;m sure i can get it up the day before my birthday~~ cause its teachers work day. My birthday is on a wendsday and teacher workday is on mondya and tuesday YAY but umm yahh. . . I drew some things . Iapos;ll get those up............... Maybe. I mean they arnapos;t super junior things soo >.<;; i have things to type up... Like other stories that wont get out of my head...., (like a eunmin story decated to my wifey Silver ~~ about how illgeal it should be for hyuk to have his shirt on >.>; IT�KILLS�ME�D< seriously....) tomorow iapos;m going on a field trip to se twelfth night by� umm whilliam shakessphere..... OR�HOW�EVER�YOU�NAME�HIM. YAH.� and umm. I need to write a cute henwook~~�cause of. All the henhae..... And umm.... Hmmmmm the kyumin story thing.... And OMFGG�SOOO�MUCH�TO�DO ;^; . . .� continuing on with my love life~ the guy i like is like in love with some other girl and that girl is going to homecoming wiht some other dude. And um he says hes going to win her back during homecoming and umm apparently i told him good luck and i will help in any way possible . . . ;^; THAT�TOTALLY�KILLS�ME >.<; WHY�MUST�I�BE�SOO�UNSELFISH�AND�NICE�? (silver. You dont comment on that D< )� i cried way more because of him then i have with the first 4 guys that rejected me altogether >.<;;; I�DONT�THINK�THATS�GOOD�CAUSE�iapos;ve only liked him for like 2-3 weeks XP. I hate liking him not because if i tell him. I have� a REALLYYY good chance i might end up killing our friendship... And i seirously dont want that... I want him happyy XP but he seemed sad about the girl going with some other guy *sigh* ;^;

anyways. That would be the end of my ranting o__o;;; i should clearly get a life XD;; and I�KNOW�I�SHOULD�BE�COMMENTING�BUT�HEY ;^; ITS�HARD�WHEN�YOU�HAVE�TO�DO�ALL�THESE�HOMEWORKKKKK�I�LOVE�YOU�ALL�THOUGH. I�REALLY�DO X: .

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