This happens a lot when�I get time off... Basically itapos;s not 5pm, I�gotta go into work tonight (usually leave around 10:30) and Iapos;m not really that tired... But I�dunno if I�could stay up for the next sixteen or however many hours to finish my shift.� Went to bed around 4 am last night, woke up around 1, tried to go back to sleep around 3:30, but Iapos;ve just been kind zoning out.� Still not fully over my cold, symptoms are mainly down to stuffy head, and a stuffy nose and occasional phlegm.
Guess Iapos;ll finish this entry and try to go back to sleep in a bit here.
Yesterday I did eventually do some shopping,�I bought some garlic bread (I HAVE�to have garlic bread when�I cook spaghetti, itapos;s a law somewhere...), some distilled water (need it for my CPAP), and some ice cream (yeah,�I gave into to temptation..)� When�I drove over to the local Kroger,�I noticed they were having some kind of car show in the parking lot.� I thought about stopping by, but I didnapos;t see any bikini models, so�I figured what was the point?�
Got home, put away my groceries, and then went outside for a bit of a walk around the neighborhood.� While out I took a few pictures here and there of some interested leave colors and Halloween decorations.� I donapos;t know, the whole thing felt kind of... Pointless I guess.� I�mean, me, just wondering around by myself for no real reason. � I�just couldnapos;t help but wish I had had somewhere to actually go, things to do.
Getting back home,�I called my niece, and spoke to her briefly before her cell phone cut (twice).� She told me sheapos;s back with her boyfriend again, the fellow she brought along to her last family Christmas get together.� Apparently theyapos;ve been dating on and off for about three years or so now.� So told me how she got her senior pictures taken.� I remember mom telling me the other day Tammy (my sister and Ashleyapos;s mom) had called and one of the things she was talking about how much money the studio wanted for the pictures.� They gave them some "sample"�pictures but they all had the word "proof"�stamped on the center.� Mom was kind of wondering if I�could go with Photoshop and remove it.� Told her Iapos;d have to see them. �
So.. Dunno, that was it really, watched some TV after wards.� Felt a bit better after talking to Ashley for awhile.. Guess human contact is always good.�
Well, this week is gonna be interesting.. Working Sunday through Tuesday this week, get Wednesday off, and then I think Iapos;m back to my regular schedule of working Thurs through Monday.� Three days one, one day off, four days one, three days off.�
Alright, time to try and get some rest.
c training, dirjen hki, dirjen imigrasi, dirjen migas.

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